Bismillah. We begin everything with the name of Allah. We say Bismillah to initiate an act to acknowledge the intention and the ethics we carry with all that follows Bismillah.
This is part of the newsletter’s Jumu'ah ("day of congregation"; gathering) strand.
Read more about the newsletter rhythm here.
Why this Jumu'ah series?
What is the Jumu’ah Series? I am unable to attend Jumu'ah, so instead of physically gathering, I will share a newsletter each Friday detailing a practice of gathering that does not include physical congregation. Read the full explanation here.
So what is the “gathering” ritual this week?
A. Gather rest, however, that looks
I am writing you from 1,211 feet up with spotty Wi-Fi. I turned a speaking engagement into a short residency before returning to NYC and facing major changes this summer. I am grateful for the estate’s flexibility. I am grateful that I always pack extra vitamins and enough underwear to last me 6 months, ha! OCD flare-ups are common during major changes, and I felt a tinge of my old friend last week. When there is a dramatic change in my life, I try to prepare by being even more protective of my sleep schedule. We know there are different rest registers; I am focusing on social and psychological rest to manage the tediousness of paperwork and bureaucracy. During this resting period, I walked a lot. Here are some of my favorite photos from my walks:
B. Select one ayat (verse, literally "sign") of the Qur'an from Surah Al-Kahf (the surah or chapter we are encouraged to read before sunset Friday) Allah (18:35) says (according to Dr. Mustafa Khattab’s translation in The Clear Quran): "And he entered his property, while wronging his soul, saying, “I do not think this will ever perish," The gatherings (what pulling these together helped me think about) that will be my meditative focal point until sunset on Friday: Gathering myself into a restful space is difficult because I fear the day will perish without the opportunity to do all the things I am curious to do. I have tried to run down a long to do list and am not lingering long enough to enjoy the experience. I will not be here forever, and that persistent reminder is sometimes too strong of a force as I make decisions throughout the day.
Thank you for reading,
Kameelah 👽
Finally, while I do not organize my finances around paid newsletter subscriptions, wouldn’t it be cool if this wee little newsletter could allow me to take quarterly self-imposed writing retreats? Consider getting a one-year membership at $70 USD :)
How to cite this newsletter: Rasheed, K. (Year, Month Day). Newsletter Title. I Will (?) Figure This All Out Later. URL
Reading this from the sky as well as I fly back to the East Coast after 6 weeks in LA. Also in need of rest as well as some quiet productivity. Excited for these Jumu'ah offerings, generous queen! ❤️❤️❤️